Retreat with HE Serkong Rinpoche

Praise to the dependent arising and Guruyoga

Saturday, 17. August 2024
Sunday, 25. August 2024
Thubten Jamtse Ling, Sorens FR + Online

It is a great pleasure for us to offer this extremely rare and valuable opportunity of a retreat with His Eminence To announce Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche.

In his previous life, HE Serkong Tsenshap Rinpoche was a monk and one of the great lamas of Tibetan Buddhism. He was very close to HH the Dalai Lama. His predecessor, as well as the current Serkong Rinpoche, were gurus of our revered master Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche.

Rinpoche is a layman (not a monk) in this life. He has numerous Western students, his teaching style is very sensitive, very clear, humorous and, as the saying goes, “directly related to everyday life”.

The focus of the retreat is primarily on the explanations and practice of the profound and beautiful text "A Praise to Dependent Arising" by Lama Tsong Khapa, as well as the explanations and the Practice of Guruyoga.

These two topics are central to our practice on the Buddhist path and essential to experience and progress.

It is truly a great privilege and good fortune that Rinpoche has graciously agreed to share his knowledge and experience on these topics with us for a week.

The retreat is suitable for serious practitioners with a basic understanding of Buddhist philosophy who wish to deepen their practice.

The retreat will take place in the beautiful Thubten Jamtse Ling Center in Sorens. The number of participants is limited.

Please register here



Donations to the teacher
The retreat is donation based. The donations will be presented to the teacher with a Khata at the end of the retreat.

Retreat fee
There is a fee of 300 CHF for the retreat. Of this, 150 CHF will be paid as a deposit upon registration. This is considered a binding registration.

The retreat fee serves the center for all administrative and other expenses, the organization of the retreat, as well as the travel costs, food and accommodation of Rinpoche and his attendants.

If you are unable to attend the retreat for any reason and someone else takes your place, we will refund your deposit.

Additional costs for accommodation and meals
You can pay these costs directly in cash or via Twint, before or after the retreat to Marie-Anne or Patrick in Sorens.

Room: 15 CHF/night
Tent: free
RV: free

Breakfast: 10 CHF/meal
Lunch: 15 CHF/meal
Dinner: 10 CHF/meal


Donation to the center

Support us with donations or cooperation - for our center to remain operational!

Please fill in the purpose, "center" or the name of the teacher at the field "comment"