
Support us with donations or cooperation - so that our center remains capable of action.


You have the following options to donate:

  •      For the center: Your financial support will be used for rent, maintenance of the apartment and running costs.
  •      For a teacher: 2/3 go to the teacher, 1/3 to the center.
  •      For pujas: The amount will be used to prepare the altar.


Donations can be made with credit cards, Postfinance cards, TWINT or with PayPal. Please select the appropriate button.

Please select the appropriate button and state the purpose of the payment when making the payment! If no purpose is given, the donation goes to the center.

Credit Card, Postfinance Card and Twint

Purpose of payment at "Remarks (optional)".



Swiss Post

Postfinance account 30-295190-0 or IBAN CH 11 0900 0000 3029 5190 0
FPMT Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies and Meditation
Reiterstrasse 2
3013 Bern



Einen Einzahlungsschein selber erzeugen

Wenn du uns einen Betrag mit einer Einzahlung zukommen lassen möchtest, kannst du einen Einzahlungsschein hier erstellen.



For larger donations, we recommend making a deposit via the affiliated SEK/FPC Tibet Foundation.