Medicine Buddha Puja

Mit Annette Wochner
Wednesday, 18. September 2024
Puja, for practitioners
Longku Zentrum + Online

Medicine Buddha Puja

We recite the Sadhana of the seven Medicine Buddhas once a month from 7 pm to 9 pm in German in the Longku center to produce, especially in times of worrying events, the positive potential of the future, despite individual or global problems (such as, sorrow, sickness or starvation).

The recitation of the names of these Medicine Buddhas causes us to have better access to our own abilities to be compassionate, patient and wise. Thus, we can also bring benefits to all other living things.

We recite the names of the seven Medicine Buddhas and the Shakyamuni Buddha for us to develop our own projects and wishes, and on the other hand - and this is the main aspect of the Puja - we want to devote them to all related persons, recently deceased, or suffering from diseases and other difficulties. With this we create and become ourselves a connection between the fully developed wisdom and the pure compassion of this medicine Buddhas and our suffering fellow human beings.

For Bhagawan with equivalent compassion for all beings,
only to hear the names scattered the suffering of low areas
Destroyer of the disease and the three poisons,
before the Master Healer, Lapis Lazuli Light, I bow.

The eight Medicine Buddhas

Many eons ago seven Bodhisattvas decided to work for the temporary and ultimate happiness of all sentient beings, so that their names are wish-fulfilling to relieve physical and mental suffering and healing. They vowed that their prayers can be realized during this current, degenerate time.

One of the ten forces of an awakened being is the power of prayer request, which realizes the promise.

Buddha Shakyamuni once proclaimed the Sutra of the promise of the seven Medicine Buddhas, which is why he is counted with them to the Group of Eight Medicine Buddhas. Based on this Sutra we recite the sadhana of the intended and auspicious days of the Tibetan calendar.

Donation for the Puja

Support us with donations or cooperation - for our center to remain operational!

The donations for the puja fund are according to the Dana principle: You give what the puja is worth to you.

The amount can be placed in the donation box next to the door or transferred directly using the TWINT QR code next to the donation box.

Donations can also be made via the donation link on the website.

Please enter "puja" in the “Comment” field of the form.