
Khandro Tseringma Rinpoche

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Samstag 4. Mai

We are extremely pleased that Khandro Tseringma Rinpoche (Kha(n)dro-la) is visiting Switzerland this year!

The Nature of MindWhat is our true nature and why love and wisdom can arise within us

The reason for our fears, problems and suffering is that we do not recognize the true nature of our mind. The great yogi Milarepa said: "For fear of death I have fled to the mountains, now that I have the true nature "When I have realized my spirit, I no longer need to fear..." So once we realize the true nature of the spirit, we no longer need to fear, not even of death.

The nature of our mind is clear and knowing. The basis of the ultimate nature of mind is also the reason why we can become Buddha.

Times for teaching:
09:30-11:30 a.m.
1:30-3:30 p.m.

The teaching is translated into English, German and French.

All places in the church are FULLY BOOKED! The waiting list is also full!

Costs: The donation suggestion is 60-80 CHF, also more or less depending on the possibilities, (provide note).

If you want, you can also make a donation for flowers/food for Khandro-La, (provide note ).


The lecture will also be broadcast online via Zoom: 09
Meeting ID: 858 8918 1903
Passcode: 770746

Donation suggestion for the online transmission: 30-40 CHF.


To Kandro Tseringma Rinpoche:

Lama Zopa Rinpoche describes Khandro-la as follows:

«She is a Dakini who is not an ordinary being, whose spirit has gone beyond that. She has direct perception of emptiness, she has directly realized the truth of self and phenomena.

If you know about Milarepa, whose Guru Marpa enlightened him in a short life of degenerate time, she is the secret mother of Milarepa's Guru Marpa. (The Secret Mother is so called because a companion still practiced while the secret mother has already achieved enlightenment.)…

She is also one of the 5 Long-Life Sister Protectors - the auspicious Long-Life Protector named Tashi Tsering. She served as a companion to Milarepa so that he could complete the path (he had already reached a very high level on the tantric path) and with that he  reached full enlightenment the fastest.

Similarly, she is Padmasambhava's sister, the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal.

And Tara too, if you understand what Tara means.

She came from Tibet to protect His Holiness, to serve Him and to fulfill His holy desires. She was sent from Tibet by Milarepa.»

In the calendar...