Khen Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsering

Die vier edlen Wahrheiten

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Geshe Tashi speaks English and pauses for the Swiss-German translation.
The recording was digitized from music-cassettes.
Track-1 is of bad quality, but subsequent tracks are of better quality. Short parts are lost when turning the cassette.
Diese Aufnahme wurde von Musikkassetten digitalisiert.

Track-1 ist von sehr schlechter Qualität. Die weiteren Tracks werden aber immer besser. Einzelne kurze Teile sind durch das Wenden der Kassetten verloren gegangen!


TitleDie vier edlen Wahrheiten
Image of Author
Author NameKhen Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsering
FromSaturday, 31. January 2004
ToSunday, 1. February 2004
LanguageEnglishSwiss German

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The individual audio mp3 files must be packed into a single file to be downloaded. On your computer they can be unpacked and loaded on an MP3 player.

Packing may take a few minutes and then the button "Download" must be pressed.

It is possible to only select individual files. To select or exclude all files, the checkbox at the top of the table header can be clicked.



The 4 Noble Truths1:33:3635 M
The 4 Noble Truths1:33:5038 M
The 4 Noble Truths1:33:3336 M
The 4 Noble Truths1:33:3334 M
The 4 Noble Truths1:33:3136 M
The 4 Noble Truths1:45:2934 M
A pop-up window will open immediately, in which you can determine where the file should be stored on your computer. Subsequently, it will be downloaded, which may take several minutes. Please check your internet browser when the download is complete!